Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: liquid crystal polymer

Total Papers Found: 2

Effects of carbon fillers on the thermal conductivity of highly filled liquid-crystal polymer based resins

Carbon/liquid-crystal polymer composites were formulated. Composites containing one of three types of carbon filler, composites containing two types of carbon filler, and composites containing all three types of carbon filler were prepared to test not only the effect of each filler on the thermal conductivity of the composite, but also the effect of combining fillers. The anisotropic method on a TPS system was used for the thermal conductivity measurements. ...

Author(s): , , ,

Design of thermal hybrid composites based on liquid crystal polymer and hexagonal boron nitride fiber network in polylactide matrix

As electronics get smaller and more powerful, the packaging that contains them must in turn become lighter with higher thermal conductivity and electrical resistivity. This study tested the effect of adding highly concentrated hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) fibers to liquid crystal polymer. The fibers were oriented in a way to achieve a high filler concentration, and the composites were then randomly added to a polyactide matrix. The researchers found that ...

Author(s): , , ,