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20th International Thermal Conductivity Conference Award Winner 1987
Dr. Ared Cezairliyan is an internationally acclaimed physicist in the field of high-temperature Thermophysics. Cezairliyan earned a master’s degree and a PhD in mechanical engineering from Purdue University, under the guidance of his mentor, Yeram S. Touloukian. After graduating, Dr. Cezairliyan worked as a research physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, assigned to develop a program in “High-Speed Thermophysical Measurements”. He also established the world-renowned Dynamic Thermophysical Measurements Laboratory, which helped generate accurate data on refractory materials at high-temperatures. Cezairliyan has received numerous major awards throughout his career for his extensive contributions to the scientific community, including the Silver and Gold Medal of the U.S. Department of Commerce. In 1980, Ared founded the International Journal of Thermophysics and served as Editor-in-Chief until his death.
International Conference on Thermal Conductivity, 20th, Hasselman, D.P.H., Thomas, J.R. (1988). Thermal conductivity 20. New York: Plenum Press.