Join us at the International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and the International Thermal Expansion Symposium (ITES).
May 3, 2024
July 7, 2022
June 24, 2022
January 24, 2022
October 28, 2021
July 8, 2019
September 22, 2017
November 26, 2018
June 9, 2017
September 27, 2017
July 24, 2017
September 22, 2017
September 27, 2017
November 26, 2018
January 30, 2019
Yeram Touloukian believed in the importance of high-quality research and was influential world-wide in the establishment of some of the best research facilities in thermophysical measurements. Born in Istanbul, Turkey, Touloukian earned his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering before moving to the United States to pursue his master’s degree and Ph.D. After graduating, Touloukian became a Professor at Purdue University, where he developed various new courses in physical thermodynamics and singlehandedly established and directed the Thermophysical Properties Research Center in 1957. Besides teaching and research, Dr. Touloukian is well known for starting new conferences and committees, including the International Journal of Thermophysics, initiated through his constant support and effort. Throughout his career, he has received numerous national and international awards for his exceptional leadership and guidance in Thermophysics research. In 1997, the Yeram S. Touloukian Award was established in his honor to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of thermophysical properties. Touloukian authored and co-authored a large quantity of research papers and technical reports and was the editor and co-editor of 57 volumes of reference books. As a remarkable engineer with broad scientific knowledge, and years of major contributions to the field of thermophysical properties, Yeram Touloukian is undoubtedly considered a pioneer of modern thermal conductivity.
With a lifelong goal of making properly evaluated and documented data on thermophysical and related properties of materials available, Touloukian singlehandedly established the Thermophysical Properties Research Center at Purdue University.