Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: V. Vesovic

Total Papers Found: 3

Reference Correlation of the Thermal Conductivity of n-Heptane from the Triple Point to 600 K and up to 250 MPa

New representative reference equations for the thermal conductivity of n-heptane are expressed based on experimental data that has been critically assessed for consistency and for agreement with theory. A large part of the data was collected by the transient hot wire method. The theoretically expected enhancement in the critical region agrees with the data collected and can be well represented by theoretically based equations containing just one adjustable parameter. The ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

The Thermal Conductivity of Methane and Tetrafluoromethane in the Limit of Zero Density

An accurate representation of the thermal conductivity of methane and tetrafluoromethane in the limit of zero density valid for the temperature range 120–1000 K with a highest uncertainty of 4%. Also included is a temperature range of 280–750 K with a highest uncertainty of 5% for methane and tetrafluoromethane respectively. These theoretically based correlations are compared to bodies of data, collected mainly from the transient hot wire ...

Author(s): , , ,

The viscosity and thermal conductivity of ethane in the limit of zero density

New independent representations of the viscosity and thermal conductivity of ethane in the limit of zero density. For viscosity, the correlation is over the temperature range of 200 to 1000 K, with the highest uncertainty being 2.5% . The correlation for thermal conductivity covers from 225 to 725 K with a highest uncertainty of 3%....

Author(s): , , , ,