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Recommended Papers for: Jan Sundberg

Total Papers Found: 4

Modelling of thermal rock mass properties at the potential sites of a Swedish nuclear waste repository

This article looked at the simulation model used to control temperature evolution in the field for Swedish nuclear waste repositories. Heat transport properties of rock are known key factors for the repository layout and were measured using the Transient Plane Source (TPS) method. Compared to all samples tested, results found bedrock dominated by deformed granitoid rocks were characterized by relatively high thermal conductivities. ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Comparison of thermal properties measured by different methods

In this paper, the thermal conductivity of rock samples was tested using three different methods: the transient plane source (TPS) method, the divided bar method, and calorimetric method. Two rock samples were tested under the TPS method with different procedures (i.e. heating and cooling times, sizes of samples). The results of the TPS method were slightly lower than the results of the divided bar method, but yielded an acceptable ...

Author(s): , ,

Measuring anisotropic thermal properties of metagranite at different scales

This study outlines the design of a final repository for nuclear waste in bedrock, by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company. Thermal property testing is required to determine the canister separation distance within the repository. The transient plane source thermal constants analyzer was used to determine the thermal conductivity of anisotropic metagranite on a small-scale (centimeter), while a large-scale experiment was used for the large-scale (meter). The results ...

Author(s): , , ,

Determination of thermal properties at Aspo HRL: Comparison and evaluation of methods and methodologies for borehole KA 2599 G01

This report is a comprehensive compilation of a variety of studies performed on rock in a borehole at a potential nuclear waste storage facility in Sweden. Density, water absorption, mineral composition and thermal properties were studied to determine the site's suitability as a safe storage area. Thermal properties are an important factor since the nuclear waste canisters will continue to give off heat in storage due to nuclear fission, and ...
