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Recommended Papers for: J. L. Xie

Total Papers Found: 2

Measurement on thermal conductivity of compacted GMZ001 bentonite

This article looks at GMZ deposits as a candidate for buffer material of high-level radioactive wastes (HLW) in china. A thermal analyzer was used to measure thermal conductivity of compacted GMZ001 bentonite using the transient plane source technique. Results found that for samples having the same weight percentage of dry and wet density, thermal conductivity increased as the water content increased....

Author(s): , ,

Experimental ingestigations on thermal conductivity characteristics of Beishan granitic rocks for China’s HLW disposal

Thermal conductivity of 47 pairs of granitic rock specimens were measured using the Transient Plane Source (TPS) method. Crystalline rocks are being considered for the construction high-level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal systems. Dry and wet samples, the effect of water saturation, and the influence of temperature were all factors investigated in this study....

Author(s): , , , , , ,