
Author(s): A. Bortolin, F. Peron, G. Cadelano, G. Ferrarini, P. Bison, S. Laguela Lopez

Keywords: anisotropy, heat transmission, ir thermography, thermal conductivity, wood

Abstract: Wood is still commonly used to produce window frames in many parts of the world. In this application the orientation of the wood is very important, as its anisotropic properties mean that heat loss could be greatly influenced by how the piece is cut. Manufacturers must ensure that the wood is oriented in a way that the least amount of heat will be lost to the outside through the frame. The authors of this article studied the thermal conductivity of three different types of wood (oak, larch and spruce) using the IR thermography equipment. These methods enabled them to accurately determine the main direction of heat transfer through the wood.

Reference: Proc. SPIE 8705, Thermosense: Thermal Infrared Applications XXXV (2013) 870502 

DOI: 10.1117/12.2016591