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Recommended Papers for: anisotropy

Total Papers Found: 9

Measuring anisotropic thermal properties of metagranite at different scales

This study outlines the design of a final repository for nuclear waste in bedrock, by the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company. Thermal property testing is required to determine the canister separation distance within the repository. The transient plane source thermal constants analyzer was used to determine the thermal conductivity of anisotropic metagranite on a small-scale (centimeter), while a large-scale experiment was used for the large-scale (meter). The results ...

Author(s): , , ,

Measurements on cortical human, cortical bovine and simulated cortical bone

The purpose of this research was to understand the impact of heat on bone. The thermal conductivity of human cortical bone, bovine cortical bone, and simulated cortical bone. The TPS instrument was used to measure the thermal conductivity of the samples, the anisotropic module was applied. Density of each sample was also determined. Thermal conductivity measurements of the human cortical bone were similar to literature values, while the bovine results ...


Thermographic analysis of the thermal properties of wood for wooden windows

Wood is still commonly used to produce window frames in many parts of the world. In this application the orientation of the wood is very important, as its anisotropic properties mean that heat loss could be greatly influenced by how the piece is cut. Manufacturers must ensure that the wood is oriented in a way that the least amount of heat will be lost to the outside through the frame. ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Thermal conductivity measurements on wood materials with transient plane source technique

The Transient Plane Source thermal constants analyzer stands out in the field of thermal conductivity testing equipment due to its ability to measure anisotropic materials. In this paper, the mathematical derivation of the equation used in the anisotropic software module of the TPS is used to calculate the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of three Italian tree species; larch, oak, and spruce. Axial thermal conductivity was found to be much ...

Author(s): , , ,

An experimental study on the inhomogeneities of aluminum foams measuring the thermal conductivity by using the transient plane source method

The production of closed cell foams has recently advanced as the materials gain interest. The purpose of this study was to use the transient plane source (TPS) method to measure the thermal conductivity of AlSi7 closed cell foams. Results showed that thermal conductivity increased with sample density, and experimental results were higher than the predictions of the theoretical models. Measurements were also carried out on different directions of the samples ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,