
Author(s): Ankam Bhaskar, Chia-Jyi Liu, Ching-Lin Chang, J. J. Yuan

Keywords: density, doping, electrical resistance, figure of merit, figure of merit (zt), iodometric titration, lattice parameters, materials, phase purity, sintering, solid state reactions, te, thermoelectric, thermoelectric (te) materials, thermoelectric modules, thermopower, x-ray diffraction, x-ray diffraction (xrd), xrd, zt

Abstract: CaMnO3 has been proposed for use in thermoelectric materials, due to its favourable thermoelectric properties. In this article, the effect of doping using bismuth and silicon to replace calcium and manganese respectively has been studied. Important properties of the doped compounds measured include thermopower, thermal conductivity, and electrical resistance. Different amounts of dopant are used, and it was determined that the compound Ca0.98Bi0.02Mn0.98Si0.02O3 has the highest figure of merit (ZT) of all the tested doped systems.

Reference: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 552 (2013) 236-239

DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.10.078