
Author(s): Andre Bontemps, Laurent Royon, Laurie Karim

Keywords: building materials, floors, pcms, phase change enthalpy, phase change materials, phase change temperature, specific heat, thermal conductivity, thermal energy storage

Abstract: A composite phase change material (PCM) was formulated from commercial blended paraffin and a styrene-butadiene-styrene block. The thermo-physical properties of this composite PCM were then evaluated using the transient plane source method and differential scanning calorimetry. It was determined that there was a significant difference in the thermal conductivity of the PCM in the solid state when compared to that in the liquid state. The second part of this study was to simulate the incorporation of this PCM into a hollow concrete floor panel and to compare this simulation with a solid concrete floor panel to determine if this PCM could be used to reduce power consumption by storing thermal energy in the floors of buildings.

Reference: Energy and Buildings, 63 (2013) 29-35

DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.03.042