
Author(s): D. S. Zhu, H. Li, J. W. Gao, N. Wang, X. F. Li, X. J. Wang

Keywords: brownian motion, copper, heat transfer, liquid layering, nano-suspensions, nanofluids, nanoparticles, ph, resistance, specific heat, surfactant concentrations, tem, temperature, thermal conductivity, transmission electron micrograph, transmission electron micrograph (tem), ultrasonification, weight fraction, zeta potential

Abstract: Thermal conductivity of heating and cooling fluids with added nanoparticles dubbed 'nanofluids' are used as potential to improve the efficiency of heat transfer fluids using a thermal constants analyser. The Thermal conductivity enhancements of Cu-H2O nanofluids are dependent on the weight fraction of nanoparticles, pH values and sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) surfactant concentration of nano-suspensions. Combining both the pH and chemical surfactant is recommended to improve the thermal conductivity for practical applications of nanofluid. Results showed that the use of Cu nanoparticles will significantly enhance the thermal conductivity with the highest observed enhancement of 10.7%.

Reference: Thermochimica Acta 469 (2008) 98-103

DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2008.01.008