
Author(s): B. I. Lee, G. J. Exarhos, W. D. Samuels, Z. Cao

Keywords: amorphous, ceramics, crystal, density, phosphosilicate, phosphotitanate, push-rod dilatometer technique, sensor, sol-gel process, specific heat, temperature, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal expansion, thermal transport properties, thermogravimetric analysis, transient plane source (tps), transient plane source (tps) method, x-ray diffractometry

Abstract: Phosphosilicate ceramics with varying compositions were synthesized through the sol-gel process and the thermal conductivity of the samples was measured using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the thermal conductivity of phosphosilicate ceramic powder was low, but increased slightly with phosphorous concentration. The low thermal conductivity of the ceramics could be useful in thermal barrier applications.

Reference: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 61 (2000) 1677-1685

DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3697(00)00028-7