
Author(s): Hu Zhang, Wenquan Tao, Wenzhen Fang, Zengyao Li

Keywords: silica aerogels, thermal conductivity, tps method, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps) method

Abstract: The effective thermal conductivity of a commercial silica aerogel is determined at various gas pressures ranging from 0.001 Pa to 1 MPa in order to determine the contribution of gaseous heat conduction to the effective thermal conductivity of nano-porous materials. It was determined that the gas pressure had a significant effect on the effective thermal conductivity of the aerogel and that the contribution of gaseous heat conduction was greater than the gas thermal conductivity in nano-porous materials.

Reference: International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 68 (2015) 158–161

DOI: 10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2015.08.027