
Author(s): L. E. Mavromatidis

Keywords: building materials, cavity, films, innovative building envelope, low emissivity surfaces, milne-eddington approximation, natural convection, radiation, thermal conductivity, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps) method

Abstract: As buildings are constructed, pores and cavities are formed within the building envelope and can cause issues with coupled transient radiation-natural convection heat transfer. This research aims to develop a model to minimize the empty space in the area lining the exterior and interior of the building (building envelope). As cavities and pores are present within the building envelope, issues of heat loss and high energy consumptions arise. An improved envelope design would allow for a reduction in energy use and operating costs. For the purpose of this study, a numerical model was created to simulate infrared radiation and convective heat transfer within the building envelope. Experimental testing was also performed to check for accuracy and validity of the model. The model was constructed to have eight different prototypes to test the coupled transient radiation-natural convection heat transfer on. After this research, an additional two prototypes were added.

Reference: Energy and Buildings, 120 (2016) 114 - 134

DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.03.053