
Author(s): Bei Zhu, Dannong He, Guilin Yin, Hao Wei, Minghan Xu, Wei Zhang, Xiaoqiang Zhai, Xuehui Tang, Yafei Zhang, Zhi Yanga

Keywords: capric acid, expanded graphite (eg), fluid leakage, graphite, heat transfer intensifier, latent heat, lauric acid, mass ratio, melting enthalpy, melting point, organic, pcms, phase change materials, radiant cooling system applications, shape-stabilized, thermal conductivity, thermal treatment cycle, transient plane source (tps), transient plane source (tps) method

Abstract: HVAC systems have become very popular, but require a lot of thermal storage. One way to provide this storage is through phase change materials (PCM). This report investigates using expanded graphite to improve the thermal conductivity of a capric, lauric and oleic acid mixture PCM. It was found that with the increase in mass fraction of expanded graphite the thermal conductivity of the PCM also increases.

Reference: Energy and Building, 109 (2015) 353-360

DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.09.074