
Author(s): Huichun Wang, Qi Zhang, Xiaoming Fang, Zhengguo Zhang, Ziye Ling

Keywords: composites, expanded graphite, graphite, heat storage, high performance pcm, pcms, phase change materials, rt 100, solar, thermal conductivity, thermal energy storage

Abstract: The goal of this work was to produce a new high performance PCM, using a combination of RT 100 (paraffinic hydrocarbons) with expanded graphite (EG). The resulting composite performed extremely well in quality testing. Thermal conductivity was measured using the TPS method, and was found to be much higher in the composite than it was in the basic RT 100 materials. Thermal conductivity did not decrease during melting cycles. The ability of the material to store photo-thermal and direct thermal energy was analyzed and confirmed. In a final measurement, the composite was subjected to 200 heating/cooling test cycles during which it retained excellent thermal stability. The authors conclude that this novel composite would be an excellent selection for use in medium temperature thermal energy storage operations.

Reference: Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 140 (September 2015) pp. 158-166

DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2015.04.008