
Author(s): Anastasios Koutian, Marc J. Assael, Marcia L. Huber, Richard A. Perkins

Keywords: critical phenomena, density, ethene, gas, liquid, propene, reference correlation, temperature, thermal conductivity, thw, transient hot-wire, transport properties

Abstract: Wide-range reference temperature-and-density based equations for the thermal conductivity of ethene and propene are given. These equations are based upon a body of critically assessed data, acquired partially using the transient hot wire method. The ethene correlation is valid from 110 to 680 K and up to 200 MPa with a maximum uncertainty of 5%. The propene correlation from 180 to 625 K at pressures up to 50 MPa, with an uncertainty of 5%.

Reference: August 2016 Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 45(3):033104

DOI: 10.1063/1.4958984