
Author(s): Fen Xub, Huanzhi Zhanga, Jian Zhanga, Lixian Suna, Qingyang Xua, Yujia Sunc, Yutaka Sawadad, Ziming Zhaoa

Keywords: building application, building materials, differential scanning calorimeter (dsc), freezing temperature, gypsum, high storage density, homogeneously, in-situ polymerization, latent heat, melting temperature, microencapsulated pcms, pcms, phase change materials, scanning electron microscope (sem), solar, thermal capacity, thermal conductivity, thermal energy storage, thermal regulation, thermal stability, transient plane source

Abstract: Phase change materials (PCMs) store large amounts of latent heat over small temperature ranges, so their application in the thermal regulation of buildings is becoming more popular. However, PCMs have low thermal conductivities, so micro-encapsulated PCMs (micro-PCMs) are being incorporated into PCMs to enhance their performance and improve thermal conductivity. In this study, micro-PCMs were mixed with thermally conductive, inorganic gypsum powder and glass fiber to produce gypsum boards. The thermal properties of the gypsum boards were analyzed as the proportion of micro-PCMs in the composites increased. A thermal constant analyzer was used to measure the thermal conductivity of the samples using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the thermal conductivities of the samples decreased as the weight percentages of the gypsum matrix increased. At lower weight percentages, the micro-PCMs did not accumulate in the gypsum board and increased thermal transfer. It was found that the thermal characteristics of the composites is largely affected by the concentration of micro-PCMs, but overall, micro-PCMs as additives to building materials would improve the thermal capacities of the structures.

Reference: Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 102 (2012) 93-102

DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2012.03.020