
Author(s): D. Ferreira, E. M. M. Fonseca, J. M. Meireles, P. A. G. Piloto

Keywords: charring layer, fire resistance, perforations, thermal conductivity, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps) method, wooden slabs

Abstract: Wooden cellular slabs with rectangular perforations are commonly used by civil engineers in settings such as concert halls, nurseries, hotels, airports, etc., for noise elimination and heat retention. In this study, fire resistance of perforated wooden slabs was tested in order to attain a numerical approach using the finite element method, when predicting the performance and behavior of the perforated wooden slabs. Paying close attention to the thermal properties of the perforated wooden slabs with varying temperatures, a 3D numerical simulation was performed. The data were then compiled, compared and their insulating capabilities and integrity properties were evaluated. The concluding remarks were as follows; the higher the number of perforations in the wooden slabs, the higher the core temperature of these slabs and the higher the charring rate.

Reference: International Fire Safety Symposium (2015)