
Author(s): Dan Dan, Hu Zhang, Wen-Quan Tao

Keywords: aerogels, decomposition method, gas pressure, nanoparticles, nanoporous materials, solids, spherical hollow cube model, temperature, thermal conductivity, thermal radiation, transient plane source (tps), transient plane source (tps) method

Abstract: Aerogels are nano-porous materials with impressive thermal insulation properties. This study uses a new theoretical model to predict the effective thermal conductivity of aerogels based on gas and solid conduction, as well as thermal radiation. A thermal constant analyzer measured the influence of gas pressure, atmosphere, and temperature on the thermal conductivity of nano-porous materials using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the experimental thermal conductivity values were two times lower than the theoretical calculations. Gas heat conduction had the largest impact on the effective thermal conductivity, and it was found that filling aerogels with low thermal conductivity gases could enhance their insulative properties.

Reference: Applied Thermal Engineering, 72, 1 (2014) 2-9

DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2014.02.052