
Author(s): Hai-Quan Kang, Hong-Ji Duan, Jian-Hua Tang, Wei-Qin Zhang, Xu Ji, Zhong-Ming Lia

Keywords: compressive modulus, compressive strength, expandable, fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy, fourier-transform infrared, ftir, graphite, limiting oxygen index, polyurethane foams, resin, scanning electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (sem), sem, spectroscopy, thermal conductivity, thermal insulation, thermogravimetric analysis, transient plane source technique, volume expansion

Abstract: The authors describe a synthesis method for a series of pulverized expandable graphite (pEG)/melamine-formaldehyde (MF) resin core-shell structure particles. The particles are also added into rigid polyurethane foams (RPUF) to characterize the flame-retardant, mechanical, and thermal insulation properties of the RPUF/pEG-MF composites. It was found that the pEG/MF particles showed good flame-retardant performance in the composites by providing a physical barrier effect.

Reference: Polymer International, 63, 1 (2014) 72-83

DOI: 10.1002/pi.4489