
Author(s): Teng Huang, Xiaoyong He, Xuan Cheng, Ying Zhang, Zaidong Shao, Ziwei Niu

Keywords: 1h mas nmr, 29si mas nmr, compressive test, nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherm, pore size, pore volume, scanning electron microscope, scanning electron microscope (sem), sem, silica aerogels, surface area, transient plane heat source method

Abstract: The preparation process of silica aerogels has commonly involved a dangerous supercritical drying step, so work has been done to eliminate this step. This paper discusses the preparation of composite silica aerogels containing silica fibers using a method that excludes the supercritical drying step. The physical and thermal properties of these aerogels were subsequently examined. It was found that the composite aerogels produced by the method presented in the article exhibited very good thermal insulating and mechanical properties.

Reference: Materials Chemistry and Physics, 162 (2015) 346-353

DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2015.05.077