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Recommended Papers for: Transient Plane Source

Total Papers Found: 289

A non-invasive method for the detection of damage and changes in the hoof capsul

So far, non-invasive methods that specifically detect abscesses, cracks, and keratomes in horse hooves have yet to be developed. This study used non-invasive Sensors to measure the thermal properties of horse hooves. By using the sensor to heat approximately one square inch of the hoof by 1-2 °C, veterinarians could identify hoof damage based on inconsistent heat conduction. Results of this experiment were reproducible, however more studies need to be ...

Author(s): , , , , , , ,

The thermal properties of cob buildings of Devon

The transient plane source method is used to measure the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and the specific heat of solid and some liquid materials. With an instrument, a double spiral nickel sensor is sandwiched between two homogenous samples, and as the sensor pulses electrical currents through the sample, it simultaneously measures how long it takes for the temperature of the sample to increase. Assessment of cob walling should take place ...


Effect of wall decorative materials on cooling load of an air condition

In this study, the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat of various wall decorative materials were measured using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. Additionally, the thermal emittance of materials painted with acrylic and ceramic paints were measured after the objects were exposed to sunlight....

Author(s): , , , , , ,

Heat transfer enhancement of Al2O3-H2O nanofluids flowing through a micro heat sink with complex structure

Nanofluids are used in heat sink applications to improve the rate of heat dissipation and reduce temperature gradients in electronics. This study specifically examined the thermal properties of Al2O3-H2O nanofluids used in micro heat sinks. An instrument measured the thermal conductivity of the Al2O3-H2O nanofluids using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that, as expected, thermal conductivity increased with the concentration of ...

Author(s): , , ,

Comparison of thermal properties measured by different methods

In this paper, the thermal conductivity of rock samples was tested using three different methods: the transient plane source (TPS) method, the divided bar method, and calorimetric method. Two rock samples were tested under the TPS method with different procedures (i.e. heating and cooling times, sizes of samples). The results of the TPS method were slightly lower than the results of the divided bar method, but yielded an acceptable ...

Author(s): , ,