Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: transient hot wire (THW) method

Total Papers Found: 8

Thermal Conductivity of Poly-Alpha-Olefin (PAO)-Based Nanofluids

Three techniques were compared for the determination of thermal conductivity in poly-alpha-olefin (PAO)-based nanofluids. The three methods that were used were the transient hot wire, transient plane source, and laser flash techniques. The effects of temperature, nanoparticle concentration, and shape on the thermal conductivity were also examined, and these effects were compared to those predicted by a previously determined model. It was found that the transient hot wire technique ...


Combined effect of physical properties and convective heat transfer coefficient of nanofluids on their cooling efficiency

The authors have developed a model for the estimation of how a nanofluid will work as a coolant without having to perform a number of experiments. The nanofluids used in the study were four water based metallic oxides. These nanofluids were compared to water in terms of thermal conductivity to determine if they would be a good coolant. The model that was developed involved the calculation of the highest wall ...

Author(s): , , , , , , ,

Thermal conductivity measurement

The transient technique is the commercial method used to test the thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat of solids. With the instrument, a double spiral nickel sensor is sandwiched between two homogenous samples, and as the sensor pulses electrical currents through the sample, it simultaneously measures how long it takes for the temperature of the sample to increase. This method is typically used on glasses, insulating materials, and polymer ...

Author(s): ,