Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 11

Improving speed and precision of using guarded heat flow technique to measure thin specimens

This paper introduces a compensation algorithm and a different-layers calibration method that will improve the temperature measurement speed and thermal resistance elimination of a guarded heat flow meter instrument. Without these additions to the method, heat will travel through a thin slice of material too fast for thermal couples to measure accurately. Thermal contact resistance would cause inaccuracy with a thin slice ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Thermal Analysis of LED Heat Sinks by High-Vacuum Die Casting (HVDC)

Lightweight LED heat sinks were fabricated by high-vacuum die casting (HVDC) using the aluminum alloy ADC12. Thermal characteristics of the heat sink were determined under natural convection using thermocouples and an IR thermograph, and the thermal conductivity was measured using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. It was determined that the castings were non-homogeneous and anisotropic....


A simple dynamic measurement technique for comparing thermal insulation performances of anisotropic building materials

The authors have presented a review of steady-state and transient measurement techniques for the determination of thermal conductivity, and have introduced a new method for the determination of thermal transport properties in anisotropic building materials, known as the dynamic adiabatic technique. It was found that the technique was functional for a first estimation of thermal properties in a complex structure, but that it required long testing times....

Author(s): ,

Distributed Thermal Response Test on a Grouted U-pipe Borehole Heat Exchanger

The goal of this masters thesis was to better understand the factors affecting the performance of geothermal heat pumps. A new method (Distributed Thermal Response Testing) of determining the ground thermal conductivity and thermal resistance around a borehole from filed data was tested. In order to test the accuracy of this method, it was compared against laboratory results and field tests. An instrument was used in a laboratory setting to ...


A numerical study on the theoretical accuracy of film thermal conductivity using transient plane source method 

Currently, there is no research into the accuracy of the transient plane source (TPS) method for measuring the thermal conductivity of thin films. The purpose of this study is to use numerical simulation to determine the accuracy of thermal conductivity measurements of thin films, with the TPS method. The values produced from the TPS method closely resembled those of the numerical simulation. The deviations from the numerical model were caused ...

Author(s): , , , , ,