Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: Thermal Diffusivity

Total Papers Found: 147

Effective thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of some rare earth oxides

The thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of rare earth oxide powders were measured using the transient plane source technique. Specifically, powders of gadolinium oxide, samarium oxide, and yttrium oxide were measured. A previously developed theoretical model was used to predict the effective thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of these powders. The experimental results were then compared to values calculated by the theoretical model....

Author(s): ,

Review of thermal conductivity of cast iron

This article is a literature review of research that has been done on the thermal conductivity of cast iron. The article outlines the effects of graphite additives, alloying elements, matrix, and temperature on the thermal conductivity. Numerical models that have been developed are also discussed in the review....


Possibilities of using thermal mass in buildings to save energy, cut power consumption peaks and increase the thermal comfort

The work presented in this thesis was performed in order to generate knowledge of heat storage in building structures. The goal was to discover what material could most effectively reduce peak powers required by buildings by keeping buildings warm or cool without the necessity of using power....


Prediction of Effective Thermal Conductivity of Fluid Saturated Porous Media: in situ Thermo Physical Measurements

The thermal properties (thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat) were measured for igneous and sedimentary rocks at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The thermal properties of the igneous rocks, dunite and gabbro, were then measured at temperatures ranging from 293 K to 483 K and 293 K to 443 K, respectively. A predictive model was then developed for estimating the effective thermal conductivity of porous media using the thermal conductivities of the solid ...


Influence of the volume fraction and the nature of fine lightweight aggregates on the thermal and mechanical properties of structural concrete

The thermal and mechanical properties of concrete in which normal weight aggregate has been substituted with lightweight aggregates were investigated. The properties were found to be dependent on the volume fraction of the lightweight aggregate, as well as on the nature and quality of the aggregate. The addition of lightweight aggregates resulted in a decreased thermal conductivity, as well as a decreased thermal diffusivity in all samples. The compressive strength ...

Author(s): , , ,