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Recommended Papers for: Thermal Diffusivity

Total Papers Found: 148

Measurements of thermal properties of insulation materials by using transient plane source technique

This article delves into the depths of the transient plane source (TPS) method for measuring thermal conductivity. When dealing with insulative materials, thermal conductivity is one of the most important thermal properties, as it directly reflects the R-value – amount of heat-transfer resistance the insulation provides. This quick and accurate method was employed in this study to measure the thermal conductivity of insulation materials at room temperature, as well as other ...


Measurements of Building Materials by Transient Method

This paper highlights the use of the transient plane source (TPS) technique to test the thermal properties of porous building materials, such as autoclaved aerated concrete and calcium silicate boards reinforced by cellulose fibers. Transient methods relay multiple thermophysical parameters, such as thermal diffusivity, specific heat, and thermal conductivity, all in one measurement – a highly sought after trait. Measurements were performed to compare the transient method to other methods of ...

Author(s): , ,

Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Thin Samples of Electrically Insulating Materials

Thermal transport properties were measured with the Thermal Constants Analyser. Various parameters were set in place during the experiment including output of power, temperature, and heat flow. Measurements took place on sheets of insulating materials with specialized sensors as this is an importance when measuring thermal conductivity....


Transient plane source techniques for thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity measurements of solid materials

This article outlines the general theory behind the Transient Plane Source (TPS) Technique. To test these arrangements, scientists tested two materials, Cecorite 130P and Corning 9606 Pyroceram....


Parameter estimations for measurements of thermal transport properties with the thermal constants analyzer

This article analyzes the basic criteria for determining experimental times to use in thermal conductivity experiments, using the thermal constants analyzer. Researchers have determined an interval to which test times correlate, for accurate thermal conductivity and diffusivity results. During this research, scientists also determined the possibility of testing both thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity from one single measurement. Throughout this experiment, the researchers also expanded on the theory, calculations and ...

Author(s): ,