Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 7

Measurement of effective thermal conductivity of compacted granular media by the transient plane source technique

In this study, the effective thermal conductivity of compacted granular beds is investigated. Thermal conductivity was measured using the transient plane source technique. Granular beds of varying particle sizes were analyzed using various sensor sizes. Results found the effective thermal conductivity to increase with increasing granule size. Smaller sensor sizes were also found to give a larger effective thermal conductivity....

Author(s): ,

Design of ceramic phosphor plate with functional materials for applications in high power LEDs 

Traditionally, white LED's are made by mixing phosphor with an epoxy resin. But, the phosphor is not always evenly distributed, and the epoxy resin has a low thermal conductivity resulting in accelerated thermal aging during operation. This article studies the effects of implementing a ceramic phosphor plate with varying concentrations of magnesium oxide, and silicon dioxide. It was found that as the magnesium oxide concentration increased so did the thermal ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Preparation of porous mullite ceramics with low thermal conductivity 

This study analyses a mullite ceramic formed through foaming and starch consolidation of mullite powder, and how its thermal conductivity changes with porosity of the ceramic. The thermal conductivity was measured through the transient plane source (TPS) method with the TPS. As the porosity of the mullite ceramic increases so does the thermal conductivity....

Author(s): , , , , ,

Thermal conductivity measurement by TPS analyzer 

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the ability of a transient plane source (TPS) method to measure thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and volumetric heat capacity. Four samples were tested standard steel, linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE), LLDPE with 5 wt% graphite composite, and LLDPE with 15 wt% graphite composite. Steel had the highest thermal conductivity because steel has more free electrons then the other materials. LLDPE had a lower thermal conductivity ...


Thermal conductivity enhancement with different fillers for epoxy resin adhesives

As technology advances, improving the efficiency of heat dissipation by thermal adhesives in electronic devices is becoming increasingly important. In this study, a thermal constants analyzer measured the thermal conductivities of eight different epoxy resin thermal adhesives using the transient plane source (TPS) method. Results showed that the layer-structure fillers enhanced the thermal conductivity of the epoxy matrix the most, while the sharp corner-shaped fillers had the lowest impact on ...

Author(s): , , ,