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Recommended Papers for: Latent Heat Storage

Total Papers Found: 6

Review of latent heat thermal energy storage for improved material stability and effective load management

This article reviewed the use of phase change materials (PCM) as thermal energy storages (TES) as they can be used to substitute large-scale energy demand and assist both economically and environmentally. The thermophysical properties of different phase change materials were studied to assess their viability for thermal storage systems. One of their most common problems with using PCMs is their poor heat transfer rates. This was seen when the transient ...

Author(s): , ,

Strategy for visualisation of the activity of phase change materials by transient plane source technique

Phase change materials (PCMs) are materials that store thermal energy and undergo phase transitions when they are heated and cooled, making them effective alternatives to fossil fuels for building insulation. To determine the energy performance of PCMs in infrastructure it is important to understand their thermal characteristics. The transient plane heat source (TPS) method was used to determine the thermal conductivity of the PCMs ClemSel 21 and ClemSel 24. The thermal conductivities ...

Author(s): , , ,

Preparation and thermal properties of porous heterogeneous composite phase change materials based on molten salts/expanded graphite

This article discussed the creation of phase change composite materials using molten binary salts and expanded graphite (EG). Three different salts were used, LiNO3–KCl, LiNO3–NaNO3 and LiNO3–NaCl. The amount of salt in the composites varied between 77.8% and 81.5%. The thermal conductivity of the products was assessed to determine how it was affected by the addition of expanded graphite. The researchers determined that they had increased the thermal conductivity ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Long-term supercooled thermal energy storage (thermophysical properties of disodium hydrogenphosphate 12H2O)

This paper examined the thermophysical properties of hydrate using disodium hydrogenphosphate 12H2O to develop a long-term latent heat storage (LTLHS) using supercooling. The thermal conductivities of solid and liquid disodium hydrogenphosphate 12H2O were measured using the transient plane source (TPS) technique. Results showed that the thermal conductivity of liquid disodium hydrogenphosphate 12H2O increased slightly with temperature, whereas the solid phase showed a minor downward trend. Also, thermal ...

Author(s): , , ,

Growth rate of crystallization in disodium hydrogenphosphate dodecahydrate

Phase change materials have supercooling characteristics that would benefit long-term latent heat thermal energy storage. This paper studied the physical and chemical properties associated with the growth rate of crystallization in disodium hydrogenphosphate dodecahydrate (DHD) as a function of a degree of supercooling. The transient plane source (TPS) technique was used to measure the thermal conductivity of the DHD samples. Results of the thermal conductivity test showed that the solid ...

Author(s): ,