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Total Papers Found: 7

Synergistic enhancement of thermal conductivity in composites filled with expanded graphite and multi-walled carbon nanotube fillers via melt-compounding based on polymerizable low-viscosity oligomer matrix

Nano-sized materials with large aspect ratios are found to be effective as second fillers for the formation of 3D thermally conductive networks in polymer composites. In this study, multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) was incorporated as second filler for polymer composites. A thermal analyzer was used to measure thermal conductivity of composites at room temperature. Expanded graphite and MWCNT, as fillers, effectively enhanced thermal conductivity of the composites due to its ...

Author(s): , , ,

The effective thermal transport in composite materials

Composite materials are materials made of reinforcing substances that are set in a matrix of polymers, ceramics or metals. This experiment measured the thermal conductivity of wood and ceramics, and explored the factors that influence the thermal conductivity. The Transient Plane Source (TPS) method was used because test times are relatively short compared to steady state techniques, and transient methods are not limited by the size, shape, or state of ...


Reduction of shrinkage and brittleness for resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogels by means of a pH-controlled sol-gel processĀ 

This article investigates how the thermal conductivity of a resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogels varies with increasing resorcinol (R) to water (W) ratios. The thermal conductivity was measured using a transient plane source (TPS) method. As the R:W increases so does the thermal conductivity, this is because there is more conductive solids present to transfer more energy....

Author(s): , ,

Using ANNs in calibrating the measurements of a simplified hot-plate methodĀ 

In this paper, the simplified hot-plate method (SHOP) measured the thermal conductivity of a prototype instrument, and artificial neural networks (ANNs) were employed to confirm the results. The goal of this paper was to produce ANNs to calibrate and improve the accuracy of SHOP thermal conductivity measurements. A thermal constants analyzer verified the results of the SHOP by measuring the thermal conductivity of plywood and calcium silicate boards using the ...

Author(s): , ,

Numerical and experimental analysis of the thermal conductivity of metallic hollow sphere structures

Using the TPS method, the thermal conductivities of a variety of metallic hollow sphere structures (MHSS) were measured. The thermal conductivities were also calculated using Misnar's analytical model and compared to the experimental results, with good agreement between the two sets of data....

Author(s): , ,