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Recommended Papers for: Lorenz Ratke

Total Papers Found: 2

Production of porous cellulose aerogel fibers by an extrusion proces

This study outlines the preparation method and properties of thin extruded cellulose aerogel fibers and monolithic pieces. Microcrystalline cellulose was combined with a hydrated calciumthiocyanate salt melt to form a gel at 80˚C. In order to obtain fine, homogenous, wet cellulose filaments, twin screw extrusion experiments were performed. Cellulose aerogel filaments were yielded once the gels were washed and coagulated in an ethanol solution, and had undergone supercritical drying with ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Reduction of shrinkage and brittleness for resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogels by means of a pH-controlled sol-gel process 

This article investigates how the thermal conductivity of a resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogels varies with increasing resorcinol (R) to water (W) ratios. The thermal conductivity was measured using a transient plane source (TPS) method. As the R:W increases so does the thermal conductivity, this is because there is more conductive solids present to transfer more energy....

Author(s): , ,