TPS, MTPS, Composites
TPS, MP-1, Polymers
MTPS, MP-1, Nanocomposites, Polymers
Transient Line Source, TLS-100
Foams, Fabrics
TPS, MP-1, Polymers
TPS, MTPS, Composites
TPS, MP-1, Polymers
MTPS, MP-1, Nanocomposites, Polymers
Transient Line Source, TLS-100
June 3, 2020
Sofia Mylona
Joli McGraw
Discussing the benefit of using the Transient Hot-Wire (THW) method for heat transfer fluids such as ethylene glycol and water. Transient Hot-Wire (THW) is the primary method for the measurement of thermal conductivity of fluids, nanofluids and pastes because of the wide range of applications, its high accuracy and repeatability. According to its theory, the sensor consisted by a metallic wire is placed inside the measured sample, which thermal conductivity is observed by the heating rate of a metallic wire over time after a step current is applied to it.
Dr. Sofia Mylona is an internationally recognized expert in the area of the thermal conductivity measurements using the Transient Hot-Wire (THW) method. She is a graduate Chemist from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.) in Greece and holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in the same university. During her Ph.D., she designed and constructed a novel Vibrating-Wire Viscometer for measuring high-viscosity liquids for which she received the 1st Metrology award in Greece. In the last 6 years, Dr Mylona’s research is focused on the thermal conductivity measurements using the Transient Hot-Wire technique.