TPS, MTPS, Composites
TPS, MP-1, Polymers
MTPS, MP-1, Nanocomposites, Polymers
Transient Line Source, TLS-100
Foams, Fabrics
TPS, MP-1, Polymers
TPS, MTPS, Composites
TPS, MP-1, Polymers
MTPS, MP-1, Nanocomposites, Polymers
Transient Line Source, TLS-100
September 15, 2020
Dale Hume
Joli McGraw
For the measurement of non-homogenous and layered materials, thermal conductivity results calculated from measured thermal resistance is the preferred method. A comparison of thermal conductivity ASTM / ISO standards and investigative testing will be presented to explain why this is the case.
Dale Hume has more than twenty years of thermal conductivity testing experience, with knowledge across several testing methods and applications.