
Author(s): Arnaud Alzina, Benoit Nait-Ali, David S. Smith, Fabienne Pennec, Hideaki Matsubara, Julie Bourret, Kodai Otsu, Nicolas Tessier-Doyen, Pierre Elser, Urs T. Gonzenbach

Keywords: ceramics, heat flow apparatus, laser flash, porous materials, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, transient hot wire (thw) method, transient hot-wire, transient plane source, transient plane source (tps) method

Abstract: The effects of solid phase thermal conductivity, pore thermal conductivity, and pore volume fraction on the measured effective thermal conductivity of porous ceramics with pore volume fractions of 4 to 95% were investigated. The experimental results were then compared with pre-existing numerical models. It was found that the Maxwell-Eucken relation for closed porosity and the Landauer relation for open porosity were able to closely predict the effective thermal conductivity for tin oxide, alumina, and zirconia ceramics with pore fractions less than 0.65. For pore fractions higher than this, the Hashin Shtrikman upper bound and Russell's relation were found to closely predict the experimental results for kaolin-based, and calcium aluminate foams.

Reference: Journal of Materials Research, 28, 17 (2013) 2260-2272

DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2013.179