Category: Transient Plane Source
Author(s): B. Calvo, J. A. de Saja, M. A. Rodriguez-Perez, Miguel-Cngel RodrC-guez-PC)rez, R. A. Campo-Arnaiz
Keywords: cell size, extinction coefficient, fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, polyolefin foams, quantifying polyolefin foams, structural parameters, thermal conductivity, transmittance spectra
Abstract: This article focused on determining the extinction coefficient of polyolefin foams. A combination of experimental and theoretical methods were used to accomplish this goal. Samples differed from each other in terms of thickness, chemical composition, colour, density, and structural characteristics. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to measure transmittance spectra. Thermal conductivity of the foams was also measured. The researchers concluded that cell size was the primary factor affecting the extinction coefficient.
Reference: Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 43(13 (2005) 1608–1617
DOI: 10.1002/polb.20435