
Author(s): A. A. Wereszczak, B. A. Pint, H. Wang, J. G. Hemrick, K. C. Liu, M. Karakus, R. E. Moore, T. P. Kirkland

Keywords: mullite refractories, thermal conductivity, thermal conductivity of mullite refractories

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to provide a comprehensive overview of compressive creep of mullite refractories, which are a potential replacement for more traditional silica refractories in harsh oxy-fuel environments. Tests performed included corrosion resistance, microstructure analysis, dimensional stability, phase content, and thermal properties. A thermal analyzer was used to perform thermal conductivity testing on 10 commercially available mullite refractories as part of the analysis.

Reference: Report prepared for the Industrial Materials for the Future (IMF) Program and the Glass Vision Team