
Author(s): Ebenezer Twumasi Afriyie, Kjartan Gudmundsson, Peter Norberg, Peyman Karami

Keywords: density, hot plate apparatus, pressure, silica powder b b , thermal conductivity, vacuum insulation panels, vacuum insulation panels (vip), vip

Abstract: This research investigates the core materials used to create vacuum insulation panels. Of particular interest to the investigators was the thermal conductivity of the initial materials (usually powders) under different pressures. The researchers designed their own powder sample cell holder. The powders tested were low density silica powders, and using the sample set up the team was able to test them along a pressure range from atmospheric pressure to 0.1mbar. Clear trends in regards to thermal conductivity and pressure were established.

Reference: Energy and Buildings 85 (2014) 199–211

DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.09.038