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Recommended Papers for: Transient Line Source

Total Papers Found: 26

Lightweight clay-based concretes formulated withwood aggregates: hygrothermal behaviour

Insulating materials were made from recycled clay waste using technologies developed by the author were tested for their thermal conductivity using the transient line source technique over a temperature range of 0-60°C. The clay used was mainly composed of kaolinite. A weight reduction was obtained by using wood aggregates. Different weight percentages of wood aggregates (0, 25, 30, 40, 50%) and the thermal conductivity curves are ...

Author(s): , , ,

Simultaneous Estimation and Modeling of Thermophysical Properties of Big-Eyed Tuna and Pacific Cod

Extreme care must be taken regarding the proper processing and storage of market seafood the correct amount of heat transfer with occur in order to deliver healthy and fresh tasting food. Measurements of the thermal conductivities of big-eyed tuna and pacific cod were taken with a modified transient line source probe method in a temperature range of 5 - 50°C. Accurate predictions are ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,

When rocks get hot: thermal properties of reservoir rocks

When attempting to extract reservoir fluid from rock, the rock is often heated. When the reservoir fluid is hotter it is less viscous and easier to extract. Knowing the thermal conductivity of the rock in question is therefore incredibly important to preform these procedures. This paper reviews the thermal conductivities of reservoir rocks by analyzing data collected from performing the transient line ...

Author(s): , , , , , , , ,

Use of a Pre-Drilled Hole for Implementing Thermal Needle Probe Method for Soils and Rocks

The transient line source probe needle has become a very common tool for measuring the thermal conductivities of soils and some rocks. However, field measurements using this technique can be difficult with densely packed soil and rock, as the process of inserting the probe can disturb the surrounding sample or damage the equipment. This article investigates the effects of drilling a hole ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Thermal conductivity of aqueous foam

Aqueous foams with densities from 0.03 to 0.2 g/cm3 were studied for their thermal conductivity. It is important to determine an aqueous foam's thermal response because it is often used as a geothermal drilling fluid. In this paper, both helium and nitrogen foams were used each with a different bubble size range. The data was collected using transient line source probe ...

Author(s): , ,