The authors present a method for measuring the thermal conductivity and thermal capacity of thin insulating and super-insulating materials. The new method is compared to previously existing methods and elaborates upon why these methods are unacceptable for the measurement of thin insulating materials. The researchers developed a 3D and 1D model in order to aid in the determination of thermal conductivity. The proposed method involved sandwiching a sensor/heater between ...
The researchers proposed a method used to measure the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of low thermal conductivity materials with accuracy better than 10%. DSC was also used to determine thermal contact between the sample and the DSC furnace....
The authors present a new (at the time) design for the transient hot wire method. Using this method, the thermal conductivity of materials was measured by the slope of a temperature versus time line. The instrument can measure temperatures between 20°C and 200°C with pressure as low as 10 mTorr. The presented method gave good accuracy and precision....
Describes how second-order terms are important to the hot-strip method, and should be included in situations where a high-current pulse is being used. The authors determined approximate values for the coefficients of second-order terms....
Using the TPS method, the authors measured the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of samples of Swedish wood. They also looked at the effect of density, porosity and anisotropy on the measured thermal properties. Both longitudinal and transverse measurements were taken at temperatures ranging from 20°C to 100°C and an increase in temperature resulted in a slight increase in thermal conductivity. The types of mechanisms that lead to heat conduction ...