Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 3

Performance of biocomposites from surface modified regenerated cellulose fibers and lactic acid thermoset bioresin

In this study, researchers set out to test the performance of biocomposites reinforced with regenerated cellulose fibers and lactic acid thermoset bioresin. A difference in treatments was conducted as the cellulose fibers were surface treated with either silane or alkali. The main goal of this research was to improve the overall strength of the interactions at the fiber-matrix interface. Multiple strength tests, such as the tensile, flexural and impact strength ...

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal Conductivity Improvement of Polymer Films by Catechin-Modified Boron Nitride Nanotubes

Catechins were added to boron nitride nanotube (BNNTs)/polyvinyl formal (PVF) composite films, in hopes of further increasing the thermal conductivity of the film. After thermal conductivity testing, the composite films were determined to have an increased thermal conductivity, as compared to their neat form. Researchers determined that the increase of thermal conductivity was related to the aromatic rings within the catechin, which interact with the nanotube surfaces. Upon contact, ...

Author(s): , , , , ,

Effective surface treatments for enhancing the thermal conductivity of BN-filled epoxy composite

The purpose of this research was to improve the thermal conductivity of boron-nitride filled epoxy composites. To complete this task, the interfacial adhesion in the composite needed to be improved. This was achieved by employing admicellar polymerization to coat the polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate, on the boron nitride surface. The results indicated an increase in the thermal conductivity of the composite from 1.5 W/mK, with the use of untreated boron-nitride, ...

Author(s): , ,