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Recommended Papers for: K. Wattanakul

Total Papers Found: 2

Thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of BN-filled epoxy composite: effects of filler content, mixing conditions and BN agglomerate size

Boron Nitride filled epoxy composites are explored on a thermal and mechanical scale within this research article. Researchers took special interest in the effect of filler content, mixing conditions and Boron Nitride agglomerate size, on the thermal conductivity of the composite. Experimental results alluded to an increase in thermal conductivity, as filler content, and mixing speed, time and temperature increased. On the other hand, as the Boron Nitride agglomerate size ...

Author(s): , ,

Effective surface treatments for enhancing the thermal conductivity of BN-filled epoxy composite

The purpose of this research was to improve the thermal conductivity of boron-nitride filled epoxy composites. To complete this task, the interfacial adhesion in the composite needed to be improved. This was achieved by employing admicellar polymerization to coat the polystyrene and polymethyl methacrylate, on the boron nitride surface. The results indicated an increase in the thermal conductivity of the composite from 1.5 W/mK, with the use of untreated boron-nitride, ...

Author(s): , ,