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Total Papers Found: 4

SiC Nanowires with Tunable Hydrophobicity/Hydrophilicity and Their Application as Nanofluids

The purpose of this study was to improve the wettability of silicon carbide (SiC) nanowires, in order for them to be used as thermoconductive fluids. Multiple experiments were conducted by exposing the SiC nanowires to hydrofluoric acid, tetraethyl orthosillicate, polyvinylpyrolidone and sodium hydroxide. Various tests, including x-ray diffraction, Fourier transformation-infrared, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, were performed on these various materials to identify ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Thermal conductivity of nanoporous glass alumina film and composites

The thermal conductivity of nanoporous glass alumina films (NGAFs) were theoretically and experimentally studied in this paper. The thermal conductivity of pristine NGAFs and silver nanowire-infused NGAFs of various pore sizes and porosities were measured with a thermal constants analyser based on the transient plane source (TPS) method. Theoretical and experimental results were consistent with one another, and indicated that the pore radius and porosity of the films influenced thermal ...

Author(s): , , ,

Effects of copper nanowires on the properties of an organic phase change material

An organic phase change material (PCM), tetradecanol (TD), infused with copper nanowires (CuNWs), was sent through a slurry of tests, to determine the effect of the ultra-high aspect ratio and sponge nature of the CuNWs, on the PCM. Experimental testing alluded to the increased thermal conductivity of the PCM, with the addition of the CuNWs. The addition of CuNWs, enhanced the thermal conductivity of the PCM by nearly 9 times. A ...

Author(s): , , , , , , , ,

Thermal conductivity enhancement of Ag nanowires on an organic phase change material

Increasing the thermal conductivity of an organic phase change material, all the while maintaining a high phase change enthalpy, is a difficult task. In this study, researchers took 1-tetradecanol/Ag nanowires composites, containing various wt% of Ag nanowires, and tested their thermal conductivities and phase change enthalpies. The results suggest the PCM composite containing 62.73 wt% of Ag nanowires is the most promising candidate for thermal conductivity enhancement of organic phase ...

Author(s): , , ,