Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: L. Zhang

Total Papers Found: 2

Thermal conductivity enhancement of Ag nanowires on an organic phase change material

Increasing the thermal conductivity of an organic phase change material, all the while maintaining a high phase change enthalpy, is a difficult task. In this study, researchers took 1-tetradecanol/Ag nanowires composites, containing various wt% of Ag nanowires, and tested their thermal conductivities and phase change enthalpies. The results suggest the PCM composite containing 62.73 wt% of Ag nanowires is the most promising candidate for thermal conductivity enhancement of organic phase ...

Author(s): , , ,

Effects of MWNTs on phase change enthalpy and thermal conductivity of a solid-liquid organic PCM

In this paper, researchers investigated the effects of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), on the thermal conductivity and phase change enthalpy of palmitic acid (PA), a solid to liquid phase change material. The research concluded that as the concentration of MWNTs is increased, the thermal conductivity of the composite increases, compared to that of PA alone. Also in this study, researchers investigated the effects of various MWNTs surface modifications, on the ...

Author(s): , , , , , ,