Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Total Papers Found: 76

Influence of pH on Nanofluids- Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity

This article outlines the effect of adding Al2O3 and Cu nanoparticles to water and measuring the thermal conductivities and viscosities of the mixtures. The effect of pH was taken into account and it was found that there are optimal pH values for each of the nanoparticle mixtures that give the highest thermal conductivities and lowest viscosities. Research shows that thermal conductivity and viscosity are closely related to each other. ...

Author(s): ,

Theoretical and experimental study of the thermal conductivity of nanoporous media

This study aims to understand the thermal conductivity of nanoscale porous material. Macroscale simulations of thermal conductivity were revised to predict the thermal conductivity of nanoscale porous material. Using the thermal constants analyzer, two packed beds of nanoscale nickel particles and a single packed bed of microscale nickel particles were measured for their effective thermal conductivities. Results concluded the thermal conductivity of the solid particles was higher than the thermal ...

Author(s): , ,

Effects of pH on heat transfer nanofluids containing ZrO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles

This study looks at the effects of pH on heat transfer, among other things, of nanofluids. Over 20% enhancement of thermal conductivity was noted with nanofluids containing 3wt% zirconium dioxide and titanium dioxide. Also noted, was the influence of pH on the stability of the nanofluids. The Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek theory states that nanoparticles become unstable, form clusters and precipitate, when their pH is near the isoelectric point. This leads to large clusters ...

Author(s): , , ,

Flame retardancy through carbon nanomaterials: carbon black, multiwall nanotubes, expanded graphite, multi-layer graphene and graphene in polypropylene

This research aims to determine the effect of altering filler particle sizes and shapes, on the thermal and mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP). Fillers such as thermally reduced graphite oxide (TRGO), multi-layer graphene (MLG250), carbon black (CB), multiwalled nanotubes (MWNT) and expanded graphite (EG), were added to the PP base. A thermal analyzer was used to measure the thermal conductivity of the various PP composites. Results determined that the PP ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Improving the heat transfer of nanofluids and nanolubricants with carbon nanotubes

Many limitations exist within the development of energy efficient heat transfer fluids; however, low thermal conductivity of these fluids is the main issue. In order to improve the thermal conductivity of these heat transfer fluids, researchers in this study performed strenuous research and ultimately created a new and improved fluid. In this newly designed material, nanoparticles and carbon-nanotubes (CNTs) were suspended within the fluid, aiming to increase the fluids thermal ...

Author(s): ,