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Preparation of silica aerogel/polyurethane composites for the application of thermal insulation

The authors prepared silica aerogel/polyurethane composites by two different methods for the comparison of the two methods. The objective was to study the thermal insulation and hydrophobic properties of the composites to evaluate their potential for use as fabric membranes. It was found that the composites are better thermal insulators than polyurethane alone, and that they also have improved hydrophobic properties. It was also determined that the thermal conductivities ...

Author(s): , , , , , , ,

Intercomparison of Measurements of the Thermophysical Properties of Polymethyl Methacrylate

The authors used a variety of techniques to determine the thermal properties of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), including thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and density. The measurements are performed in the temperature range from -70°C to 80°C. The results from the different techniques used to characterize the PMMA (GHP, GHF, TPS, THS) are all compared to see whether they agree with one another....

Author(s): ,

Thermal conductivity estimates of intumescent chars by direct numerical simulation

The effective thermal conductivities of fully expanded intumescent chars are estimated using a finite element model related to porosity and density of the chars....
