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Recommended Papers for: laser flash method

Total Papers Found: 2

Measurement Techniques for Thermal Conductivity and Interfacial Thermal Conductance of Bulk and Thin Film Materials

In this study, some of the most commonly used measurement techniques for thermal conductivity and interfacial contact resistance of bulk and thin film materials are analyzed. For thermal analysis of bulk materials, the laser flash diffusivity method, the steady-state absolute method, comparative technique, and transient plane source (TPS) method are most used. The absolute and comparative technique allow for large sample sizes to be measured, but requires the longest time ...

Author(s): , , , ,

Reducing thermal contact resistance using a bilayer aligned CNT thermal interface material

Thermal Interface Materials (TIMs) are used in the field of electronics, to reduce the thermal contact resistance between the heat sink and heat source, to improve heat dissipation within the electronic device. In this experiment, researchers created a TIM by synthesizing Carbon Nano-Tubes (CNTs) on both sides of a thin copper foil. To test the thermal conductivity of the foil with this enhancement, the transient plane source method was employed. ...

Author(s): , , ,