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Recommended Papers for: Heat Transfer

Total Papers Found: 38

Thermal Conductivity and Contact Resistance Measurements for Adhesives

Thermal adhesives that contain large proportions of high thermal conductivity filler materials are extremely useful in electronics and manufacturing. Due to the importance of these fillers it is crucial to know their exact properties. Five adhesives are examined for their thermal conductivities. These values were obtained using a guarded heat flow meter with a method following the ASTM test standard. This method ...


Potential applications of nanofluids for heat transfer

Multiple studies claiming the usefulness of nanofluids for the enhancement of heat transport have been proven ill-founded. Although they have significantly raised thermal conductivities, there is an inerrant increase in viscosity when adding nanoparticles to a liquid. This paper explores areas of research that analyze nanofluid properties that could potiential indicate future applications. A promising direction is using particles that can change ...

Author(s): , , ,

Thermal conductivity of nanofluids – Experimental and Theoretical

The use of the transient hot wire method has previously displayed that the thermal conductivity of fluids can be significantly increased by introducing nano-particles. The paper discusses the known methods for predicting the thermal conductivity and finding correlations amongst data. When preforming initial simulations employing the Finite Element Method (FEM), this paper shows that there is still substantial experimental progress to be ...

Author(s): , , ,

An explanation of the Al2O3 nanofluid thermal conductivity based on the phonon theory of liquid

This article examined how a variety of mechanisms (layering, Brownian motion, clustering, ballistic phonon motion, thermal boundary resistance, and mass difference scattering) affect the thermal conductivity of alumina based nanofluid. The thermal conductivity values were found using the transient plane source (TPS) method. It was found that mass difference scattering provided the most effective mechanism for reducing the thermal conductivity of the alumina based nanofluid....

Author(s): , , , ,

Review of latent heat thermal energy storage for improved material stability and effective load management

This article reviewed the use of phase change materials (PCM) as thermal energy storages (TES) as they can be used to substitute large-scale energy demand and assist both economically and environmentally. The thermophysical properties of different phase change materials were studied to assess their viability for thermal storage systems. One of their most common problems with using PCMs is their poor heat transfer rates. This was seen when the transient ...

Author(s): , ,