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Total Papers Found: 26

Thermal Properties of Oil Palm Shell Lightweight Concrete with Different Mix Designs 

This study investigated the use of oil palm shell as an additive for use in concrete. As the construction industry searches for methods to increase sustainability, using by-products produced by other industries to reduce the amount of cement required to produce concrete has become more popular, Oil palm shell is available in large quantities as an industrial waste product, is lightweight, and has the potential to help with thermal insulation. ...

Author(s): , ,

The use of slag stone concrete to improve the thermal performance of light steel buildings

The purpose of this article was to investigate the thermal performance of light steel structures. Responsible and sustainable building practices are becoming the norm, and light steel can provide a good alternative to other construction materials. However, it is important that the finished building has good thermal management characteristics to reduce energy consumption. The authors of this study looked at the thermal characteristics of buildings fabricated from a combination of ...

Author(s): ,

Possibilities of using thermal mass in buildings to save energy, cut power consumption peaks and increase the thermal comfort

The work presented in this thesis was performed in order to generate knowledge of heat storage in building structures. The goal was to discover what material could most effectively reduce peak powers required by buildings by keeping buildings warm or cool without the necessity of using power....


Influence of the volume fraction and the nature of fine lightweight aggregates on the thermal and mechanical properties of structural concrete

The thermal and mechanical properties of concrete in which normal weight aggregate has been substituted with lightweight aggregates were investigated. The properties were found to be dependent on the volume fraction of the lightweight aggregate, as well as on the nature and quality of the aggregate. The addition of lightweight aggregates resulted in a decreased thermal conductivity, as well as a decreased thermal diffusivity in all samples. The compressive strength ...

Author(s): , , ,

Incorporation of Phase Change Materials in Cementitious Systems via Fine Lightweight Aggregate

The incorporation of phase change materials (PCMs) into concrete bridge decks shows promise as a method of decreasing freeze/thaw cycling in bridge decks. The authors have conducted a study to determine the best carrier to be used for the incorporation of PCMs into concrete, as well as the effects of the incorporation of the carriers and PCMs on strength and thermal properties of mortars. Four different PCMs (PCM6, PT4, ...

Author(s): ,