Carbon Fibers
Testing the thermophysical properties of 3D printed aluminum, at room temperature using MP-V with MTPS sensor
The thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity and volumetric heat capacity of the ARMCO iron measured using the TPS 2117 sensor.
Thermal properties of calcium carbonate powder were measured via the Transient Plane Source (TPS) method using Thermtests' Measurement Platform Versatile (MP-V)
The thermal properties of carbon fiber were successfully determined with accuracy and good repeatability, using the MP-V, equipped with the MTPS sensor.
The diamond paste samples were measured with MP-V at 23°C in the symmetric configuration using the 3.2 mm radius double spiral TPS sensor (2117-1) and a TPS paste cell.
Investigating the thermal properties of dolomite using the Measurement Platform Versatile (MP-V) with modified transient plane source method.
The thermal properties of Fisher Chemical Mineral Oil were measured with the Measurement Platform Versatile (MP-V) and the Transient Hot Wire (THW) method
The thermal conductivity of polypropylene measured with MTPS was found to be in good accordance with the literature value range, 0.1-0.3 W/m·K at 20°C.
The thermal conductivity of Teflon measured with the MP-V MTPS was found to be in good accordance within 2% with the literature value of 0.3 W/m·K.