Thermal Conductivity Paper Database

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Recommended Papers for: X-Ray Microtomography

Total Papers Found: 2

Understanding damage in polymer-bonded explosive composites

Three model polymer-bonded explosive compositions were prepared to determine the effects of damage on their mechanical and thermal properties. The composites were damaged in a controllable manner such that three different levels of damage could be produced, and the strain on the samples could be determined. The samples differed in the size of the particles that they contained, and the sample that showed the largest decrease in mechanical properties occurring ...


Increasing the Service Life of Bridge Decks by Incorporating Phase-Change Materials to Reduce Freeze-Thaw Cycles

The effects of incorporating phase change materials (PCMs) into concrete on the potential service lives of bridges were investigated. It was determined that PCMs could potentially be used in the future to reduce the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on bridges, but more work needed to be done to improve the strength of concretes containing PCMs before this could be applied. It was determined that increasing the latent heat of fusion ...

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